Wishing you a safe and pleasant stay!

Dear Guest,
Once again welcome to the E Hotel Spa and Resort.
Health and safety always come first in our hotel.
Especially these days with the spread COVID-19.
Aiming at making your stay with us as safe and comfortable as possible we have
Assembled the following basic protocols in line with the National and International Health Authorities.
These guidelines are not exhaustive and do not replace any laws or decrees.


  • Keep at least two meters physical distance from other persons
  • Disinfect your luggage with the alcohol based solution at the entrance
  • Disinfect hands with the sanitizer at the entrance
  • If preregistration was not possible, please fill in a registration card prior to approaching the reception.
  • Optional – Temperature control at the reception and surgical mask
  • Receive your sanitized room card or key. Any items or printed matter given by staff are sanitized.
  • Use contactless credit cards as much as possible
  • Keep the physical distance
  • Wash your hands or disinfect them as often as possible and especially when you touch things, sneeze, or cough
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, mouth and cover the mouth with the elbow when sneezing
  • Or coughing
    Dispose any used tissues into close rubbish bins immediately after use
  • Wash your hands using soap, at least for twenty seconds and use one use papper
  • Optional- Use of surgical mask 
  • Maximum elevator capacity: Two persons.  As the hotel has two floors  only please use
  • The stairs as much as possible. Wearing a surgical mask in the elevators is highly reccommended
  • Avoid handshaking, hugs and kisses. Avoid touching commonly used surfaces.
  • Prefer contactless transactions
  • Cleaned and sanitized following the highest standards of the National Protocol and the World
  • Health Organization. 
  • Disinfect your personal items and wash your hands.
  • Do not throw towels and/ or linen on the floor
  • Air the room as much as possible
  • Mini bar content is eliminated for safety reasons

  • Operated according to National Protocol. 
  • Our staff will be delighted to host and guide you. 
  • Maximum number of persons per table 10.
  • Use alcohol –based sanitizer before you approach the buffet and follow the service flow as Indicated. Sanitize your hands every time.
  • One person per three square meters for indoor areas and one person per two square meters For outdoor areas.
  • One swimmer per five square meters
  • Personal hygiene required including shower before entering the pool
  • Avoid closed shared showers and shared locker rooms
  • Keep social distancing in and out of the water
  • Shower before visiting
  • Sanitize hands
  • Disinfect equipment before and after use
  • Stay in your accommodation
  • Contact your personal doctor and follow his/her instructions
  • Inform the reception